cyborg cuckoldress

Cyborg Cuckoldress will make your head spin. 1-800-601-6975

“Scanning… please wait.” That was how it began. The mistress machine with the glowing, alien blue eyes holding him down as he struggled, but he was no match for her superhuman strength, as he had discovered when she stripped him of his clothing effortlessly, and scanned his body. A series of beeps and blips echoing in the darkened hallway, as the device that sprouted from her forearm read his vitals. “Human male, age 32, approximate height 5’10, weight 170, body fat 20%, penis size…… inadequate.” That was two years ago. Since then, his cyborg cuckoldress queen had become his master, and he, her slave.

Cyborg Cuckoldress Masters The Male Species

Sometimes she would show him mercy, and other times, his screams could be heard from one end of the hallway to the next. He often marveled at her ability and speed, and at the very much human appearance she used to trick men into her trap. She was the sci-fi fetish come true. He never saw the other cyborg cuckoldresses whose voices he would sometimes hear when he was in his cell, but he knew there were others, perhaps several, as the research facility they used as a guise, now held several hundred male slaves. Some – those who pleased the queen – were given special privileges. The rest? They ended up like Lucas.

Entertaining The Appetite Of A Cyborg Queen

The door to his cell swung open with a loud metal clang, making Lucas jump. Brighton stood before him, naked, except for a bright silver choker around her neck. Her thighs glistened, dripping with wetness, beads of pearlescent white fluid running down her thick, toned inner thighs. He knew what the cuckoldress wanted. Sometimes he was present in her quarters, when the bulls were satisfying her voracious appetite for their endowments, and he would watch as she drained each and every one of them until they fainted from sheer exhaustion. Now she was ready for him, her insatiable cyborg lust not yet quenched. Surely by now not only had she adapted to the ways of this planet, but took her pleasure as well. He didn’t resist when she grabbed him by his collar, and planted him on his back. Lucas watched, obediently complying with her wishes as she straddled him, the glowing light of her sex causing his eyes to glaze over, as he opened his mouth, sliding his tongue out, and began to clean her up after her feast of bull cocks.

Craving More Sci-Fi Cuckold Stories?

Who is Lucas? What happened to all those bull cocks? What does the cyborg queen like to do on her days off? I would love to share my kinky sci-fi fantasies with you. Dial 1-800-601-6975 and ask for Brighton. I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog post, stay tuned for more soon!

Cuckoldress Brighton